Towards the end of my undergraduate education I began experiencing intense migraines that would put me out of commission for an entire day, and at this time it was about once every three months. These head splitting migraines became a more frequent occurrence during Chiropractic College, and every time it happened, I could pinpoint the same spot on the back of my head where it seemed like the pain was coming from. Over the years I had seen multiple medical doctors, been adjusted by several chiropractors, and each one took their own approach to treating this ongoing condition a seemingly healthy young man was experiencing. But one thing none of these doctors ever did – was take an X-ray of my neck to be able to see what is really going on. Each doctor had their own theory as to the cause behind these migraines, and treated me as such. The problem was that I seemed normal (enough) on the outside that there was no reason, in their eyes, to order any diagnostic imaging (X-rays, MRI, CT scan).